Sugarloaf Alliance
Preservation * Smarter Growth * Transparency in Government
Topic Papers
Explore the research and perspectives offered by the Sugarloaf Alliance and Members

Since the summer of 2021, the Sugarloaf Alliance has been actively participating in the Frederick County process for considering the Sugarloaf Treasured Landscape Managment Plan and Overlay District. The Sugarloaf Plan is the first of ten area plans prescribed under the countywide Livable Frederick master plan approved in 2019. In this section you will find white papers and comments to the Planning Commission and the County Council, generated by the Sugarloaf Alliance. You will also find documents Sugarloaf Alliance has collected from filing Maryland Public Information Access requests.
Our efforts now extend to collaborating with residents and environmental partners to watch-dog the data center development in Frederick County. We are concerned that industry as well as local and state governments seem willing to sacrifice environmental quality in pursuit of big monetary returns. Sugarloaf Alliance is working in support of “best practices” legislation and enforcement of applicable laws and regulations. We all live downstream. In this section, you will find documents and other evidence that Sugarloaf Alliance is aggregating for public use, as well as Member summaries of the issues at hand.