Sugarloaf Alliance
Preservation * Smarter Growth * Transparency in Government
The map below came to Sugarloaf Alliance in the approximately 800 pages of documents that Frederick County was required by the Circuit Court to release (it's one of the first documents in the release).
Notice that it has the Frederick County seal and a date of March 12, 2021. This was the same time that the first, unpublished draft of the Sugarloaf Plan - without the Thurston road cut-out - was recalled and reworked by the county to add the Thurston Road cut-out to the map.
The purple outlines in the map are projected data center acreage - 9,400 acres - in southwest Frederick County.
The big purple splotch is Eastalco; notice the projected expansion. See I-270 to the right, with projected data centers sites running alongside I-270, adjacent to the historical Black neighborhood of Hopehill, and around The Villages. To the left on the map is Brunswick.