Sugarloaf Alliance
Preservation * Smarter Growth * Transparency in Government
IW2 Advisory Group Says
I-270/MD355 Corridor is “Under Utilized” and
“Ripe for Reconsideration"
Sugarloaf Alliance encourages everyone interested in environmental preservation in and around the Sugarloaf Plan area to attend the last of three advertised public IW2 “outreach” sessions on Wednesday, October 2. The meeting begins at 6:00pm at 585 Himes Avenue, Frederick.
County staff from the Livable Frederick Planning office and the Division of Economic Opportunity began collecting input in May on IW2, the so-called "Investing in Workers and Workplaces" plan, by meeting over several months with an Advisory Group appointed by the county executive. The advisory group was composed primarily of folks in the development business. The meetings were not well advertised, televised or otherwise recorded.
As part of their work, the Advisory Group engaged in a mapping exercise, which resulted in four summary documents. These documents only recently have been posted to the county website and the public has yet to be asked by the county to respond to them specifically, even though there have been two public “outreach” sessions so far. Here is the “Urbana Corridors” summary of Advisory Group discussions.
Staff maintains that this is only one part of the input toward their IW2 recommendations, which they will prepare for Planning Commission consideration.
It is critical that we again express our priorities for preservation in our area. Please attend the meeting on Wednesday, 10/2, 6pm, 585 Himes Avenue, Frederick.
IN ADDITION, please email a comment expressing your point of view.
To the planning office:
o Denis Superczynski,
o Kimberly Gaines,,
o Deborah Carpenter,
AND to the Division of Economic Opportunity:
o Laura Fritts,
o Jodie Bollinger,
o Michelle Day at
AND to the County Executive:
o Jessica Fitzwater,
Offering Your Comments
Since the beginning of the Sugarloaf Treasured Landscape Management Plan consideration three years ago, Sugarloaf Alliance has offered well-researched environmental, economic, and community-based reasons why this area ought to be protected - and the protective Sugarloaf Plan boundary maintained - at I-270.
We suggest that this area is only “under-utilized” to those whose incomes derive from development. Please revisit under “topics” and “news” to refresh your memory and find ideas for your comments.
Ask questions about IW2:
o Why was IW2 initiated before the Green Infrastructure Plan?
o What industries are proposed for any newly rezoned greenfield properties?
o In the Advisory Group mapping exercise, the first ‘strategic question’ was “Regardless of the existing regulations [our emphasis], where should the County focus its efforts on retaining or growing employment opportunities? Where are the geographic ‘sweet spots’, and why are they advantageous to our economic development efforts?” We wonder: why isn't this IW2 effort focused on identifying the challenges of redevelopment?
o Is the county conducting benchmark analyses of other counties’ strategies for environmental preservation, smarter growth and economic development?
o Are strategies other than extensive development being considered for raising county income, such as business property tax (as in Montgomery and Washington Counties) for example?
o Shouldn't economic choices be based on comprehensive, unbiased cost/benefit analysis? Where are those analyses?
Mark Your Calendars!
It's time for the Data Center Debates
It's a busy season for environmental advocacy. Notice that the "Economic Opportunity" IW2 process, the "StopMPRP" high voltage transmission line debates, and now the county's data center legislation consideration all are going on at the same time. The Data centers are a primary focus in each of these conversations.
Thanks for continuing to join your neighbors in preserving the Sugarloaf area and the environmental integrity of south Frederick County!
URGENT: IW2 "Outreach" Meeting
Wednesday, 10/2, 6:00pm
585 Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703
County Council Data Center Legislation
We expect two data center bills to be introduced.
Tuesday, October 8, 5:30pm
Winchester Hall, 12 E. Church Street, Frederick
Frederick County MPRP Info Meeting
County Executive Fitzwater will convene a community meeting about the proposed high power transmission line project (MPRP). Proposed pathways cross the Sugarloaf Plan area.
Wednesday, October 9, 6pm
Oakdale High School auditorium
5850 Eaglehead Drive, Ijamsville, MD 21754
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